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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Day 46: Bacon, Basil, Sun Dried Tomato, Roasted Garlic Lemon Crema Pizza

My husband still isn't 100% better but he is over the soup and is ready for some solid food so I used the last of my pizza dough that's in my freezer to make my husband a pizza. I didn't go to the grocery store, so I just used whatever I could find around the house and that's the best part about pizza- add what you like and you can't go wrong!
I pulled the pizza dough from my freezer from the batch I made a few weeks ago and canned tomato sauce which saved a lot of time. I also didn't roast the garlic, I just used minced roasted garlic from a can which has tons of flavor without all the hassle. I plucked a few basil leaves from my yard and opened a bag of shredded mozzarella and tossed those on the pizza as well. I wanted a little extra umph and the only thing that took some effort was really mixing the sour cream, lemon juice, and roasted minced garlic and let's be honest, you just stir that together while the bacon is cooking and you're good to go!
I whipped this pizza up in no time and it was so fresh and delicious! Hope you enjoy! 

1 ball pizza dough (see previous post)
5-10 basil leaves (depending on the size 5 large or 10 small)
12 oz caramelized onion and roasted garlic tomato sauce
10 sun dried tomatoes, minced 
8 oz pack bacon
1/2 cup sour cream 
1 TBS roasted minced garlic
Zest of 1 lemon
1 TBS lemon juice
1 bag shredded mozzarella cheese (1-2 cups, depending on your preference)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Mince bacon and cook on medium/medium high heat until crispy. While bacon is cooking, make crema. In a small bowl, combine sour cream, minced garlic, lemon zest/juice; set aside. (I put mine in a squeeze bottle to squirt on pizza but you don't have to)
Roll out pizza dough and when oven is preheated, bake pizza crust in oven for about 15-25 minutes; until golden brown. When bacon is cooked, use slotted spoon to put bacon on paper towel lined plate.
When pizza crust is done, remove crust and set oven to broil. Add tomato sauce and spread evenly. Add cheese, bacon, sun dried tomato, basil, and crema. 
Bake pizza until cheese is melted, cut pizza, and enjoy!

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