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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 2- Taco Tuesdayyy*

Tuesdays have to be one of my husband's favorite days of the week. Why you ask? Because Tacos. I try to eat rather clean during the week so I can splurge on the weekend without causing too much damage and tacos are one of my guiltless pleasures.

Typically, I make my tacos with anything but ground beef. I know, I know, tacos are supposed to have ground beef but honestly, I make them with lean pork tenderloin, ground chicken, or my favorite- lean ground turkey.

Now, I am not a nutritionist by I am trying to find a healthy balance to this hectic life we live and cutting calories but having bold flavors is one of my favorite things. The lean ground turkey meat is only 140 calories and I use corn tortillas that comes out to 80 calories for 2. So between cutting the calories with the protein and with the taco shell, it gives you an opportunity to load up on the extra goodies without feeling guilty about it.

So, tonight I made some ground turkey tacos with a homemade peach salsa. It has the perfect balance with the sweetness from the peach and the heat from my taco seasoning. The best part about this recipe is that you can add more of whatever your taste may be. My husband seems to think this is the perfect balance between the two (normally, I make them too spicy) but feel free to adjust to your liking!

Happy Taco Tuesday!!


1/2 cup cilantro
1 can crushed tomatoes
1 limes
1/4 jalapeno
1/2 red onion
1 sweet onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 lb lean ground turkey
1/2 tsp chipotle powder
1/2 tsp chili powder
2 tsp smoked paprika
2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tbs sour cream per taco
1-2 tbs sharp white cheddar per taco (or your favorite cheese)
1 tsp olive oil
salt/pepper to taste
Corn or flour tortillas (to your preference, either will do)
1/2 cup corn

Peach Salsa Topping

1 small peach
1/4 red onion
1 lime
1 tsp olive oil
1 small avocado
salt/pepper to taste


Coat the pan with cooking spray or tsp olive oil, dice the yellow onion and saute in pan on medium/low heat until translucent.

While onions are cooking, chop cilantro, garlic cloves, jalapeno, red onion, an place in blender. Beware of jalapeno seeds!! That's where their heat comes from. Pour can of diced tomatoes in blender along with the juice and zest from one lime, a tsp olive oil, and salt/pepper to your taste. Blend to combine, mine took about 3-5 seconds to finish, it blends really quickly. Once your taco base is blended, keep to the side.

After onions are translucent, season with salt/pepper and add your ground turkey. With your wooden spoon, break up the ground turkey as it cooks to ensure even cooking. Once the turkey is cooked through, add about 3/4 of your taco base and keep your pan on medium so the sauce thickens. If you notice your pan is too hot and it is at a rapid bubble, reduce heat.

While your sauce is getting
combined with the ground turkey, add your spices and corn. At this point, taste as you go. If you feel your mix is WAY TOO hot, add a pinch of sugar to help balance it out.
Once your taco seasoning is combined, keep the taco meat on low and work on your peach salsa. In a medium bowl, add chopped avocado, diced peach, diced red onion, juice from one lime, tsp olive oil, and salt/pepper to taste and combine.

If you're using flour tortillas, wrap 2-3 loosely in a paper towel, drizzle with water, and microwave for about 10-15 seconds just to warm it up so it is pliable. If you're using corn tortilla, pop a couple in a toaster oven for about 2 minutes. You have to watch the corn tortillas, if they get too crispy, they do not bend well and break.

To set up your tacos, take your tortillas and spread 1/2 tbs of sour cream on each. Next, add your taco meat- typically about 2 oz fits comfortable in each one. Sprinkle cheese on top of ground turkey and top with the peach salsa. To finish tacos, sprinkle cilantro on top of prepared tacos and id you'd like, drizzle the sauce from your blender on top of tacos. I just put the extra blender sauce in the fridge for chips later in the week.


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